Saturday, September 25, 2010

Long Lost Tablespoon

Kangaroo towel.......

One of my favorite places in town. The Santa Barbara Mission.

Our day off from parenting. Beach day thanks to Jammie & Reggie.

2.5 years old, getting big.

10.5 months old.

I have a droid cell phone and I just found an awesome Polaroid application, although the application can do far more than a Polaroid can do. I love the antique style photos, makes everything look so vintage. I love it and I hope you do as well.

Shovel & Bucket, evidence of fun at the beach.

Ruby crawling to me.

Milo loves to watch the surfers.

Ruby is also enjoying the surfers.

Good Ol Bodhi, 7 years old, still acts like he is 2.

Our Summer veggie garden has finally set some deep roots and is thriving, Below are some photos that show our lettuce, basil, kale & broccoli.

So this tablespoon was part of a set that Jessica gave to me for christmas. A couple months ago I realized that I was missing the tablespoon. This mystery was driving me crazy until.............
Yesterday, Eric took our compost that has been cooking in the tumbler and spread it over our blueberry bed. He came to me with a big smile and a very tarnished TABLESPOON!!!!!!! He found it, I knew it couldn't have gone too far, funny that it was in the compost. I guess I need to be more careful. Now I am back to a full set of measuring spoons.

I am so proud of our chickens. 2 of them (Peggy-O and Jenny Jenkins) have been laying eggs for a couple weeks now. This is a photo of a 6-pack that will be given to someone.

A little synopsis of what has been occurring at the Lyman ranch.
Ruby has cut her 2nd tooth. 2.5 weeks after her 1st tooth. The right lower tooth came in on Saturday, I don't think it bothered her at all, she didn't loose sleep over it. She makes up for all the sleepless nights that Milo experienced with his teething. Ruby is also on the move. She knows how to crawl, we see her doing it when she is on the grass or at the beach but her preferred method is an army crawl/worm maneuver. It's pretty cute, I will post a video of it soon.

On Saturday evening I was playing on the computer and I stumbled upon a great gardening group here in Santa Barbara. It is called, Food Not Lawns. I love it. This is exactly where we are going with our yard. There are little chapters all across Santa Barbara, there is a Westside Chapter, Eastside Chapter, Mesa Chapter etc etc. Yesterday the Westside Chapter was holding their gathering so I went with a beautiful bouquet of basil and a big head of lettuce. This is where you talk with other gardeners about their gardens, learn some tricks and get some tips. You can take as much as you want and leave as much as you want. I came home with some grapefruit, lettuce, pineapple guavas, lots of peppers and some tomatoes. I also took some snap pea seeds. I hope to host an Eastside gathering soon. Now that Eric and I have finally learned what to plant and where, I think we will be ready for a nice fall garden.

Last week was a fun week for us adults. Eric and I and friends went to 2 concerts. On Monday night it was the Further, they consist of Bob Weir and Phil Lesh, they are from the Grateful Dead. On Thursday night we went to Willie Nelson. He really did put on a great show. Willie played one song after the next, he was the only guitar player and he was shredding it up. Very impressed. The highlight of last week was enjoying some one on one time with Eric. Eric's mom Jan & her fabulous husband Reggie came up on Thursday to watch the kids so that we could go to Willie Nelson. After the show I surprised Eric with a night at a local cheap hotel. We were able to sleep in, grab a breakfast burrito, hop back in bed till 11 and after that little mid-morning siesta we went to Summerland beach. We rested some more, took a very long walk along the water, returned to our blanket rested some more and then went home to hang out with Jammie, Reggie & the kids. Thank you Jan for making that possible. We greatly appreciated your willingness to watch the kids. I do believe this brings you all up to speed with what we've been up to. Till next time.

1 comment:

  1. D- I love the chicken eggs.. they are really beautiful. And you're garden!!! You're a backyard farmer! Good for you. How do you get the kids to leave you alone for a second so you can actually get some things planted??? Next year for me....I hope to get our 'landscape' turned to gardenscape. And by the way..I wonder if your droid app can be found for regular camera edits for my own photos.... hmmm. what's it called? I think the kids are so beautiful! I can't wait to meet them one day and give them a huge squeeze! ruby has your eyes! :)xxxx,mag
