This post is both exciting and sad. Exciting b/c Ruby & Milo have experienced some signs of growth & development. Sad b/c Eric unfortunately missed seeing it happen due to all of his travels this month. Don't worry Eric I documented the moments as best as I could.
Ruby cut her first tooth on Tuesday. The lower right tooth. I knew it was coming, she became very tender and wanted mom to hold her all day long. At almost 10 months old I figured it was going to happen sometime soon. I have a strong feeling that the next tooth is not far behind.
Ruby now travels around the house. Those days of sitting for long long periods of time in the living room are over. She has learned a way to slide across the house. She uses her forearms to pull herself forward as she uses her toes to propel her forward. It's very similar to an army crawl. I think she has figured out her method of transportation. Will she ever crawl per say? I don't know. She enjoys doors, closing them is her specialty, she also likes going to the bathroom, I think she wants to take a bath. I hope to post a video soon, I experienced some problems this morning.
I pulled out Milo's adorable wooden walker that Poppi & Papa got for him as he was learning how to walk. It is now Ruby's turn to utilize this tool. Ruby does pretty well behind it, if she bends her elbows too much then she falls to her bottom and just might tumble over backwards with the walker. The balance reminds me of water skiing, don't bend the elbows too much or you chance falling back, don't keep them rigidly straight either. She is learning this balance very well. Although she does need to jockey for time with the walker seeing as Milo & Wyatt love it even more now than they did a year ago.
Yesterday I took the kids to a new neighborhood farmers market. I needed to get some cilantro and sprouts for this weekends camping trip. I couldn't resist a small baskets of strawberries, they are so vibrantly red and sweet this year. I didn't think I would need more than one baskets b/c Ruby and I are the only ones who are eating them. So I thought, I looked down at Milo and he has a huge strawberry in his mouth. I gasped with enthusiasm, "are you really eating a strawberry" I asked? "Yepa" Milo responds. As the summer winds down and the fruit will be changing seasons he finally realized how great strawberries are. I guess it's never too late to try new things.
The last of firsts. Jenny Jenkins laid an egg. Eric is going to be very bummed about this one. This will be day 3 of 1 morning egg. Now to teach her how to lay the egg in the nesting boxes.
Love Milo's new hair cut. Just like daddy's!