Monday, September 6, 2010


Donnell and I spent many hours in front of the TV watching and singing along to Annie. We just loved it. Little did I know that decades later my own kids would be enjoying Annie. Milo sitting on the couch mesmerized by the songs & dancing and of course all the little cute orphan girls and Ruby sitting on the floor listening to the music. Let me also mention that Eric is sitting with the kids enjoying it as much if not more than them. Not sure if he watched this much as a child, it's all new to him. He's liking it.
Now to get back to making Milo some waffles.

1 comment:

  1. Hey love! I can picture your kids -mesmerized- just like Ava is every time the movie is on. I still sing her the songs at bed time and on road trips....she knows every word....She especially likes the one where Ms. Hannigan is singing in the bathtub with gin and jewels...wierd..hahahh!love you! great photos here!
