A tornado has touched down in my house. I brought this beast on all by myself, I have no body to blame but ME:(
I decided that it was time and in all of our best interest if Milo & Ruby shared a room. That doesn't sound all that bad but just wait I will continue........Milo is still too young to sleep on the top bunk and it's just too much to deal with if he wets the bed and remake the bed while it's on the top. Since all of our bedrooms are more or less a shoebox we had only a couple of options. Remove all the furniture in the kids room so that both beds will fit. This means that both the dresser and the armoire had to go, downside, that is where all the diapers, clothes blankets and many miscellaneous kid items were housed. Both pieces of furniture were moved into our room, and the dresser that was in our room with our clothes moved into my closet. I guess one big plus to all of this is that we didn't loose any valuable clothing storage space, the negative is that for the past 2 sunny and hot, ideally beach days, our house has been in a complete tornado disaster. Kids clothes everywhere, kids toys everywhere, our clothes all over the place. Seriously this place looks and feels like a disaster.
Fast forward. I have been cleaning and reorganizing all morning, there are a few piles I am working with. The sentimental KEEP pile, the never been used or interested in aka GOODWILL pile, and the TRASH pile. For those of you who know me I love purging, cleaning and having things organized but for some reason when it is dealing with my darling children and these itty bitty pieces of clothes or stuffed animals or toys just makes my heart ache. My babies are growing up fast and it's a double edged sword.
Anyway, the kids slept pretty well last night in their room together. Milo had a couple of issues (shocking) but Rubes slept through it (shocking). Right this very moment they are both napping, they went down at the same time and haven't made a peep. Why in the world did I wait so long to put them in the same room????? I have no idea. But I can't believe Ruby is in a full twin size bed, she's growing up right before my very eyes. I will have to post pics later on the new room.
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