Not only am I seeing big developments in Milo's speech, I have also noticed that Milo has the ability to push his undies down and take them off. He can also take his shorts or pants off too. After his undies and pants come off he carries the step stool over to the potty, he climbs onto the stool turns himself around and sits on the big boy potty all by himself. When milo has to go pee pee he can now stand like a big boy at the potty all by himself. Most of the time he is high onto his tippy toes but none the less he is doing it all by himself. Congratulations Milo, you no longer need your small training potty or the small cushy seat that sits on top of the big potty. You can do it all by yourself. Although I am close behind so that I can clean up any messes that most likely will occur.
One last item to report on Big Boy Milo, he can open all the doors in the house. His hands have grown just enough so that he can get his little palm around the knob, turn it and then push the door open. I now need to remind myself to lock the front door. Although Milo reminds me of Bodhi, he doesn't stray to far off. He likes being right by us so I don't have a fear of Milo leaving out the front door which is nice but I like being safe. As we tell our kids, Safety First!!!!!!!!